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  2. Zanthoxylum scandens

Zanthoxylum scandens

Botanic Family

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Prickly shrub, tree or woody dioecious glabrous climber to 5m, branches & leaf rachis armed with recurved spines to 1.5mm long beneath, imparipinnate leaves to 370mm long, coriaceous leaflets to 70mm x 26mm in 2-12 pairs glabrous above sparesely pubescent beneath to 150mm x 40mm with crenate margins. Terminal or axillary pubescent panicles to 120mm long of pale yellow-green 3mm male or female flowers, glabrous petals, staminaye flowers to 6mm long with 4 triangular sepals 1mm long & 4 white to pale yellow petals occasionally with purple margin to 3mm long. Fruit a purplish-red follicle to 5.5mm diameter x 6mm long.

Further References