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  2. Wollastonia biflora

Wollastonia biflora

Botanic Family
(Linnaeus) de Candolle

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Scandent shrubby hairy scrambling perennial herb with strigose stems. Serrate strigose leaves to 150mm x 70mm. Terminal solitary heads to 30mm wide of orange-yellow flowers to 15mm across with pubescent bracts, yellow corolla to 13mm x 4.5mm, 2 to 3 toothed, 5-lobed yellow or yellowish-brown disc florets, 6-15 3-toothed ray flowers to 12mm long. Hairy achenes to 3.5mm x 2.5mm, coarsely strigose toward the tip. Scandent strigose annual subshrub straggling to climbing with glabrescent stems, dentate strigose leaves 76mm x 45mm hairy on both surfaces, axillary & terminal cymes or corymbs of bright yellow flowers to 25mm diameter 5mm long or in terminal axillary pairs or solitary, corolla tube with 5 lobes, glabrous achenes 4mm x 2.5mm

Further References