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  2. Vincetoxicum hirsutum

Vincetoxicum hirsutum

Botanic Family
(Wallich) Kuntze

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Rusty-hispid or downy twining subshrub or woody liana with red stems. Mucronate subcoriaceous leaves to 150mm x 75mmwith yellow hairs both surfaces. Many-flowered yellow-green axillary cymes, panicles or umbels to 130mm, of 5mm diameter yellowish-hairy, or yellow-green flowers, pubescent calyx lobes, glabrous yellowish corolla 2mm across with purple-pink hairy lobes to 2.5mm. Glabrous or pubescent paired follicles to 70 mm long x 12mm

Further References