Glabrous non-woody root-climbing vine or high-climbing twiner with succulent stems to 30mm long with nodal bracts to 15mm long. Leafless or linear-lanceolate leaves 50mm x 8mm. Lateral or axillary fleshy racemes to 50mm long of 5-12 flowers with floral bracts to 9mm long, 48mm yellow-green or buff flowers with white & purple, labellum to 15mm long, green sepals 40mm x 12mm, petals similar but slightly broader, dorsal sepal to 40mm x 10mm, lateral sepals to 40mm x 12mm, flowers with trilobate lip greenish outside, red inside aging white on margins, to 38mm x 35mm, petals to 39mm x 14mm, limb to 30mm wide, column to 25mm long. Capsule aging yellow-orange 130mm x 13mm