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Stictocardia tiliifolia

Botanic Family
(Desrousseaux) H. Hallier

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Large nearly glabrous woody twiner or creeper or herb, stems clothed with silvery down with axillary 1-4 flowered glabrous cymes or umbels with bracts of 100mm reddish-purple, yellow flowers rarely white to 100mm x 50mm with a dark centre, silky outside, coriaceous sepals 20mm long villous or puberulent outside, pink, purple or white corolla glabrous outside to 100mm x 75mm with purple centre, tube 60mm long x 6mm diameter, limb 75mm diameter. mucronulate glabrescent leaves glabrous above, downy & dotted with black beneath to 170mm x 150mm, reticulated with red feathered nerves 180mm x 130mm, reddish glabrous stems . 35mm diameter globose glabrous 4-valved beaked brown berry or capsule 20mm high with accrescent sepals.

Further References