Scandent shrub with lateral racemes of bluish flowers tomentose outside, leaves hairy beneath with small prickles, calyx prickly, prickly stems, leaves rough above, with hispid ruough hairs beneath, recurved prickles on petioles & midrib. Liana or shrub with pink & brown flowers, corolla 15mm long, small thorns along stems, thorny yellow or orange fruits, stems & leaves hairy, or leaves pilose above, hispid beneath. Large vine with hairy branches covered with recurved yellowish prickles. Hairy leaves to 150mm long armed with prickles underneath. Axillary few-flowered racemes, hispid, often prickly calyx, white corolla to 15mm long, glabrous fruit 10mm diameter.
Medicinal uses, fruits used as fish bait, used as perfume, fodder