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  2. Solanum seaforthianum

Solanum seaforthianum

Botanic Family
C, ornamental
Hardiness Zone
Min7C 10-11
Conservation Status
Least concern

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Slender glabrous woody or herbaceous evergreen twining vine to 7m with pilose angled stems. 9-pinnately lobed trifoliolate puberulent serrated leaves to 82mm x 41mm. Terminal & axillary lax racemose panicles, cymes or racemes to 230mm long, of 75 flowers, blue, purple, pink or white flowers with yellow centres to 50mm across, calyx to 2mm long, violet corolla rarely white to 10mm, lobes to 12mm long. 16mm diameter juicy red berries

Naturalised in some areas

Environmental, food, materials, medicinal, poison

Further References