Solanum dulcamara
Solanum dulcamara
- Botanic Family
- Solanaceae
- Author
- Linnaeus
- Cultivated
- C, with cultivar
- Offspring
- Solanum dulcamara 'Variegatum' (S. dulcamara var. variegatum)
Common Names
- Deadly Nightshade
- European Bittersweet
- Bittersweet
- Climbing Nightshade
- Felonwood
- Poisonous Nightshade
- Nightshade
- Ou bai ying (Pinyin)
- Morelle Douce-amère (French)
- Mak Khèng (Laos)
- Khèng Nam (Laos)
- Woody Nightshade
- Aung-malay-pan (Myanmar)
- Hkwa-nyo (Myanmar)
- Maruba-no-horoshi (Japan)
Geographical Habitats
- Afghanistan
- Albania
- Algeria
- Austria
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Hebei
- Heilongjiang
- Henan
- Jilin
- Liaoning
- Nei-Mongol
- Qinghai
- SW. Sichuan
- Xinjiang
- SE. Xizang
- NW. Yunnan - China
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Great Britain
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Italy
- Japan
- Khazakhstan
- Kirgizstan
- Latvia
- Lebanon
- Lithuania
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- Myanmar
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Poland
- Portugal
- Rumania
- Russia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Tadzhikistan
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Ukraine
- Uzbekistan
- Vietnam
- Yugoslavia
Natural Habitats
- Forest edges
- hedgerows
- waterside
Flowering Times
- Jun-Aug (China)
- Jul-Oct (Japan)
Fruiting Times
Scrambling glabrous or hairy perennial herbaceous vine or scandent glabrous or pubescent shrub to 4.5m, semi-woody at base. Trilobed yellow-hairy or downy leaves 100mm x 50mm. Terminal, leaf-opposed or extra-axillary panicles, corymbs or cymes of 15mm pale violet or blue to white flowers with yellow eye, calyx 2mm long with 5 lobes, 5-cleft corolla pale purple to 6mm across, lobes reflexed. 10mm diameter bright red to brown berry
All parts of plant poisonous. A known weed
Medicinal uses
Further References
- Rehder 1934
- Bean 1950
- Menninger 1970
- Bailey 1976
- Krussmann 1976
- Huxley 1992
- net
- The Plant List 2
- G. Don
- Botanicus
- F Indochine
- Gleason & Moldenke