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  2. Siparuna subinodora

Siparuna subinodora

Botanic Family
(Ruiz & Pavon) A. de Candolle

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Scandent or clambering shrub or tree to 4m with hairy young trigonous branches. Pubescent or glabrous toothed leaves to 300mm x 130mm. Glabrate staminate inflorescence to 35mm long with a papery receptacle with 4-6 sepals 3.5mm long glabrous within, red-brown flowers 3mm wide. Pistillate inflorescence to 50mm long with 5-6 sepals to 4mm long. Reddish fruit. Agreeable odour.

Further References