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  2. Senegalia caesia

Senegalia caesia

Botanic Family
(Linnaeus) Maslin, Seigler & Ebinger

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Spiny woody climber or creeper, tree or scandent shrub with grooved branchlets & large recurved spines. Large leaflets, bipinnate leaves to 150mm long with 8-15 pairs of pinnae & 10-25 pairs of leaflets, mucronate glabrous leaflets to 3mm x 1mm. Terminal or axillary panicles to 12mm diameter with bracts to 6mm long, toothed calyx to 2.5mm long, dull white or yellowcorolla to 3mm long. Fruit a flat mucronate glabrous pod to 170mm long x 30mm.

Further References