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  2. Satyria panurensis

Satyria panurensis

Botanic Family
(Bentham ex Meissner) Hooker f.ex Niedenzu

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Sometimes scandent hemi-epiphytic glabrous shrub or liana with glabrous branches. Glabrous leaves to 130mm x 60mm, new leaves bright pink. 8-20 flowered axillary racemes of 6-12 flowers, with fimbriate bractlets 1mm long. 10mm long red flowers tipped pale-greenish-yellow, calyx tube 2mm long with lobes 2mm long, puberulent corolla to 31mm x 3mm. White fruit maturing purple-black, berry 12mm long

Further References