Rubus corchorifolius
Rubus corchorifolius
- Botanic Family
- Rosaceae
- Author
- Linnaeus f.
Common Names
- American Blackberry
- Kaiching (Myanmar)
- Birōdo-ichigo (Japan)
Geographical Habitats
- Anhui
- Beijing Shi
- Fujian
- Gansu
- Guizhou
- Guangdong
- Guangxi
- Hainan
- Hebei
- Heilongjiang
- Henan
- Hubei
- Hunan
- Jiangsu
- Jiangxi
- Jilin
- Liaoning
- Nei Mongol
- Ningxia
- Shandong
- Shaanxi
- Shanxi
- Sichuan
- Xizang
- Yunnan
- Zhejiang - China
- Honshu
- Kyushu
- Ryukyu Islands - Japan
- Korea
- Myanmar
- Vietnam
Natural Habitats
- Thickets
- streamsides
- wastelands
- montane areas
Flowering Times
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- Apr-May (Japan)
Fruiting Times
Sometime climbing shrub with stems with recurved thorns, stem & branches tomentose, prickly leaves to 100mm x 40mm, clothed with hoary tomentum, irregularly toothed and rarely 3-lobed. Axillary solitary tomentose 30mm diameter whitish or pinkish flowers, pubescent calyx to 10mm long, lobes pubescent inbide, petals 10mm long, fruit a pubescent red drupe to 12mm diameter
Further References
- Mobot
- Bodkin
- The Plant List 2
- Botanicus