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Rubia cordifolia

Botanic Family

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Sticky twining perennial herbaceous climber or creeper with tetragonous branches, angles of stems winged, prickly stems & leaves, thick scabrous leaves 40mm x 20mm, villous beneath. Axillary & terminal cymes or hispid corymbs, whorls or panicles to 200mm long with bracteoles to 2mm long of 1mm cream to yellow flowers 3.5mm diameter, tube to 1.5mm, calyx tube to 0.75mm, 5 puberulent petals 1mm long, corolla tube 0.2mm long, 5-lobed corolla, 5mm orange or 8mm purple-black glabrous berries

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