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Rhynchosia minima

Botanic Family
(Linnaeus) A.P. de Candolle

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Sparsely pubescent or glabrous slender non-woody twining, trailing or prostrate annual or pernnial herb. Shortly tomentose trifoliolate coriaceous foliage, central leaflet 40mm x 25mm glabrous or white-pubescent above, glabrous or pubescent beneath with minute orange resinous dots, angular pubescent stems. 125mm axillary 5-15 flowered racemes with deciduous bracts & bracteoles, of 10mm brownish outside yellow within flowers to 6mm long, calyx to 5mm, yellow corolla to 10mm, purple-veined standard 5mm long with short claw, wings to 5.5mm long with resinous dots, bright yellow keel petals. Tomentose or glabrescent minutely villous falcate mucronate pod to 35mm long x 6mm

Further References