Neuropeltis racemosa
Neuropeltis racemosa
- Botanic Family
- Convolvulaceae
- Author
- Wallich
Common Names
- Dun bao teng (Pinyin)
- Cây ca giang (Laos)
- Akar Oran Merah (Malaysia)
- Akar China Putih (Malaysia)
Geographical Habitats
- S. Borneo
- Cambodia
- Hainan
- S. Yunnan - China
- India
- Sumatra - Indonesia
- Laos
- Kedah
- Malacca
- Negri-Sembilan
- Penang - Malaysia
- Myanmar
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Vietnam
Natural Habitats
- Forest
- thickets
- montane areas
- woodland
- lowland forest
Flowering Times
Fruiting Times
Large twining woody liana or shrub with rusty-villous young leaves, coriaceous leaves pubescent beneath to 125mm x 70mm, villous axillary & terminal panicles or racemes to 200mm long with bracts to 3mm, of 6mm white flowers rusty-villous without, 5 rd sepals villous outside 2mm diameter, corolla to 8mm across with 5 lobes to 8mm , glabrescent winged fruit capsule to 6mm diameter, wing to 45mm long, leaves with revolute edges glabrous or downy beneath 130mm x 40mm, rugose stem dotted white
Further References
- The Plant List 2
- G. Don
- Botanicus
- F Indochine
- Flora Malesiana
- Kew