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Mandevilla subsagittata

Botanic Family
(Ruiz & Pavon) Woodson

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Tomentose or glabrous herbaceous or somewhat woody slender twining liana with glabrous purplish stems. Mucronate leaves glabrous above, downy beneath 100mm x 30mm. Axillary racemes to 125mm long with bracts to 5mm long, of 30mm long white, yellow to orange flowers maroon inside, hairy or glabrous outside dotted with silky pili inside, calyx lobes to 1.5mm long, corolla greenish-yellow tube to 25mm x 2mm, corolla lobes to 18mm long. Glabrous follicles to 225mm long.

Further References