Climbing glabrous shrub or non-climbing tree or shrub to 8m, young stems glabrous with 10mm x 2mm recurved spines, glabrous branches. Imparipinnate glabrous leaves or sparingly pubescent beneath, 5-15 coriaceous leaflets to 50mm x 20mm, leaflets to 70mm x 30mm. Axillary or terminal ferrugineous lax racemes or panicles to 150mm long with spiny bracts to 4mm x 1m, bracteoles to 1mm x 1.5mm, flowers to 10mm long, glabrous or pubescent calyx to 4mm x 2mm with lobes 0.5mm, lilac corolla to 8mm, pale blue or pink to purple with greenish-white mark on standard, whitish keel, standard wings & keel to 9mm long. Crescent-shaped coriaceous glabrate fruit to 375mm diameter curving in a complete circle, to 80mm x 23mm, seeds dispersed by water.