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  2. Machaerium eliasii

Machaerium eliasii

Botanic Family

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Tree, shrub or liana to 5m with glabrescent stems, young stems fulvo-tomentulose, recurved spines 10mm x 4mm. Leaves 15-51 foliolate, leaflets to 37mm x 15mm, pubescent becoming glabrous above & glabrous or sparsely pubescent beneath. Terminal or axillary racemes or panicles with striate spinescent bracts to 5mm x 2mm & bracteoles to 4mm x 4mm, flowers to 12mm long with pubescent calyx 5mm x 3.5mm & lobes 1mm long, blue or purple petals. Tomentulose white fruit to 35mm x 18mm, often curved to a circle to 30mm diameter.

Further References