Landolphia kirkii
Landolphia kirkii
- Botanic Family
- Apocynaceae
- Author
- R.A. Dyer
Common Names
- Mpira (Kiswahili)
- M'bungo (Kidoe)
- Mahanga (Kizaramo)
- Umumubungo
Geographical Habitats
- Burundi
- Central African Republic
- Kenya
- Malawi
- Mozambique
- Somalia
- Natal
- Transvaal - South Africa
- Tanzania
- Uganda
- Zaire
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
Natural Habitats
- Forest
- streamside
- woodland.
Flowering Times
Fruiting Times
Woody climber or scandent shrub with tendrils from modified inflorescences, leaves 100mm x 30mm becoming glabrescent, with 75mm diameter green speckled pale green fruit turning pale yellow with brown spots, yellow flowers opening white in fulvo-pubescent corymbs or panicles with minute bracts, calyx 2mm long, whitish corolla with tube to 3.5mm long pubescent outside with pubescent outside lobes 3.5mm long
Further References
- Mobot
- The Plant List 2
- Timberlake
- Kew