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  2. Inkaliabum diehlii

Inkaliabum diehlii

Botanic Family
(H. Robinson) D.G. GutiƩrrez

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Scandent subshrub or vine with albotomentose stem. Leaves to 150mm x 20mm, mostly glabrous above albotomentose beneath with mucronulate margins. Axillary and terminal cymes with a pair of bracts to 30mm long, flower head to 14mm x 15.5mm, with about 200 phyllaries to 13mm x 0.5mm in 5-7 series, 50 yellow ray florets, with corolla to 12.5mm long, 200 yellow disc florets with corolla to 9,5mm long. Achenes to 1.2mm x 0.6mm with pale yellow pappus bristles to 7.5mm long

Further References