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  2. Illigera trifoliata

Illigera trifoliata

Botanic Family
(Griffith) Dunn

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Petiole climbing nearly glabrous scandent shrub or tall woody liana, angular stems, trifoliolate palmate leaves, coriaceous leaflets villous on nerve beneath to 150mm x 90mm. Axillary finely villous cymes or panicles to 200mm long with bracteoles 2.5mm x 1.5mm, calyx villous outside, 5 sepals 6mm long, tepals pinkish-white or pale greenish with purplish midnerve, outer tepals to 11mm x 4mm, inner ones to 10mm x 2.5mm, pubescent nearly glabrous reddish to brown 4-winged fruit less than 70mm diameter, nut to 40mm long, puberulent large wing 70mm x 35mm, 2 short wings or ridges to 35mm x 32mm

Further References