Large glabrous woody tendril climber with 3-5 lobed coriceous leaves to 250mm x 250mm, glabrous above hairy on nerves beneath, forked tendrils. 120mm flowers whitish, tinted yellow with brown hairs and twisted fringes to 135mm long. Male inflorescen 350mm long corymb with bracts to 20mm long, flowers 200mm long, calyx tybe red to 200mm, limb reddish-brown 15mm long, lobes to 5mm, corolla 140mm across with 5 villous lobes, female solitary axillary flowers calyx tube 120mm long. Woody pumpkin-like fruit red-brown or whitish to 200mm diameter,
Inside of seed edible, edible oil extracted from seed, foliage edible. Oil has other uses among them roasting opium, medicinal uses