Gardneria ovata
Gardneria ovata
- Botanic Family
- Loganiaceae
- Author
- Wallich
Common Names
Geographical Habitats
- Guangxi
- Xizang
- S. Yunnan - China
- NE. & SE. India
- Java
- N. Sumatra - Indonesia
- Malaysia
- Sri Lanka
- Thailand
Natural Habitats
- Forest margins
- montane areas
Flowering Times
Fruiting Times
Scandent glabrous vine or shrub with coriaceous sometimes mucronulate leaves to 160mm x 80mm. Axillary 3-flowered or bifid axillary cymes to 80mm long of yellow to orange or white 10mm flowers with sepals to 1.5mm x 2mm, tube to 1.5mm, lobes to 5mm, corolla densely villous above, 4 stamens, scarlet berries to 8mm diameter
Further References
- The Plant List 2
- G. Don
- Botanicus
- Flora Malesiana