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  2. Fissistigma fulgens

Fissistigma fulgens

Botanic Family
(Hooker f. & Thomson) Merrill

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Large glabrescent woody climber with glabrescent striate young twigs. Coriaceous leaves to 180mm x 50mm glabrous above except midrib, pubescent on midrib & veins beneath. Terminal or leaf-opposed cymes with bracts to 3mm x 2mm, of sweetly scented orange or yellow flowers, tawny-pubescent outside, triangular sepals to 3mm x 3mm pubescent outside glabrous within, thick orange petals to 15mm long pubescent outside glabrous within, coriaceous outer petals to 10mm x 6mm, brown-bairy outside mainly glabrous inside, inner petals to 8mm x 5mm with a scattering of pale hairs outside. Orange-yellow tawny tomentose fruit 40mm long x 23mm

Further References