Slender woody liana to 30m or scandent shrub covered with reddish hair, with recurved hooked branchlets, lenticellate glabrescent stems, mucronulate coriaceous leaves glabrous above villous beneath 150mm x 100mm, golden velutinous. Axillary & terminal panicles to 300mm long with villous bracts to 6mm x 2mm, in fruit to 90mm x 25mm, bracteoles to 8mm long, 8mm long flowers villous outside, green to yellow calyx tube 8mm x 1.5mm golden-brown velutinous without, calyx lobes to 4.5mm x 2.5mm, glabrous petals to 1 mm long, with 5 lobes to 5mm & appendices from lobes 4mm. Ribbed glabrescent berry or drupe to 18mm x 8mm with persistent calyx or 2 bracts.