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Embelia parviflora

Botanic Family
Wallich ex A. de Candolle

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Scandent or erect tomentose shrub or slender liana or creeper with villous sparsely lenticellate stems. Glabrous leaves to 35mm x 20mm villous beneath on mid-rib. Axillary cymes or racemes of 1-6 male flowers, white or greenish-white flowers to 3mm, calyx & corolla with 5 lobes, umbels to 10mm with 2-5 female flowers to 2.3mm, 5 sepals to 0.5mm long, 5 petals to 2mm long, or bisexiual fascicles to 7mm of 3-8 pendulous flowers to 2.5mm, all inflorescences with bracts to 1mm. Dull red or black fruit to 6mm x 6mm.

Further References