Robust climber & creeper or tall shrub with verrucose branches, glabrescent stems. Glabrescent leaves to 11 foliolate, terminal leaflet to 85mm x 27mm. Solitary or axillary pseudoracemes to 170mm long with bracts to 1.2mm x 0.9mm of red or blue pubescent flowers with bracts to 1.2mm x 0.7mm & bracteoles to 55mm x 19mm, maroonish calyx villous on back to 4mm long with tube to 2.5mm & lobes to 0.5mm x 1.6mm, whitish corolla with claw to 3.5mm long, standard to 5.5mm x 5mm, wings to 4.5mm x 1.7mm, keel to 5mm x 2mm. Glabrous pod to 80mm x 37mm with narrow wing to 8mm wide.
Used as insecticide & fish poison