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Decalobanthus peltatus

Botanic Family
(Linnaeus) A.R. Simões & Staples

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Glabrous scandent tall woody twiner to 30m or creeper. Axillary corymbs or cymes to 400mm of 80mm bell-shaped milk-white or yellow flowers (W. Malaysia) yellow at base silky-shaggy without, coriaceous sepals to 20mm x 12mm, glabrous chrome yellow corolla to 50mm x 40mm, vigorous woody climber, fruit capsule 4-valved ripening black 12mm long x 25mm across, glabrous leaves or hairy beneath with sinuated edges & red hairs in petiole axils 300mm x 300mm, glabrous black wrinkled stems

Medicinal uses, leaves used for washing hair, stems for tying

Further References