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  2. Cordia polycephala

Cordia polycephala

Botanic Family
(Lamarck) I. M. Johnston

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Sometimes scandent clambering woody shrub to 5m, shrub or tree, hairy stems. Serrated leaves rusty-hairy beneath, scabrous above 120mm x 50mm. Terminal cymes or lateral & axillary spikes, panicles, cymes or corymbs of white scented flowers to 5mm long x 1.5mm, throat of corolla pilose, dentate calyx strigose-hairy to 3mm long with mucronate lobes 0.5mm long, 1mm calyx limb villous inside, white corolla 5mm long. Red drupe 5mm long 4mm diameter, glabrous with persistent calyx.

Further References