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Coptosapelta flavescens

Botanic Family

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Tall woody climber or liana with hairy stems. Coriaceous leaves 110mm x 60mm glabrescent beneath. Terminal & axillary tomentose cymes or panicles to 80mm long, fragrant whitish-cream flowers aging pale orange to 25mm long, pilose calyx 1mm long woolly with 5 lobes, woolly white or orange corolla 8mm long with 5 lobes 6mm long, 5 sepals 1mm x 1mm, 5 glabrous petals 11mm x 2mm, villous corolla tube 8mm long, Glabrous yellow roundish 2-lobed capsule 7mm x 8mm

Further References