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  2. Combretum tetralophum

Combretum tetralophum

Botanic Family
C.B. Clarke

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Tall woody liana or scandent shrub with glabrescent stems. Leaves glabrous except for hairs on midrib beneath, to 200mm x 110mm. Terminal & axillary flower clusters or sub-terminal brown-hairy racemes with 20-40 flowers, to 30mm long with bracts, yellow, greenish-yellow or greenish-white sweet-scented flowers to 9mm long, glabrous calyx to 4mm long with 4 triangular lobes to 2mm long, 4 glabrous white petals to 3mm x 1mm. Densely scaly black fruit to 40mm x 18mm with 4 narrow longitudinal ridges or wings.

Further References