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  2. Combretum roxburghii

Combretum roxburghii

Botanic Family

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Liana or large sometimes scandent or erect shrub with pendant branches, terminal or axillary spikes or panicles to 200mm or more of 30mm white or pale green honey-scented flowers, 5 petals to 2mm villous both surfaces, cream floral leaves, calyx villous outside & inside with 5 lobes to 1mm, 5-winged glabrous fruit to 30mm x 10mm, wings 10mm across, plant clothed with fuscous down, coriaceous leaves glabrous both surfaces or finely villous beneath

Used as fodder, juice of leaf has medicinal uses.

Further References