Combretum laxum
Combretum laxum
- Botanic Family
- Combretaceae
- Author
- Jacquin
Common Names
- Bugi (Brazil)
- Ajuo-wo (Witoto)
- Aioho-ayo-o (Witotot)
- Der'gaw (Puinave)
- Teé-ye-pee (Kuripako)
- O-reé (Tukano)
- Beh'-ma (Barasana)
- Ne-he-be-mon (Kubeo)
- Ajuo-wo or Aioho-ayo-o (Witotos)
- Bois Blanc (Haiti)
- Liane à Bariques (Haiti)
Geographical Habitats
- NE. Argentina
- Belize
- Bolivia
- Goiás
- Minas Gerais - Brazil
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Cuba
- Ecuador
- French Guiana
- Guatemala
- Guyana
- Hispaniola
- Honduras
- Jamaica
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Suriname
- Trinidad & Tobago
- Venezuela
Natural Habitats
- Rainforest
- riverside
- secondary forest
- seasonally inundated areas
- swamp forest
- lake margin
- floodplain forest
- coastal forest
- thickets
- mangrove forest
- shrubland
- montane areas
Flowering Times
- Sep-Dec (Colombia)
- Mar-Apr (Panama)
Fruiting Times
High climbing twining glabrous or puberulous liana or shrub to 8m, branches with rufous pubescence. Glabrous coriaceous leaves to 200mm x 70mm, shortly pilose or glabrous above, densely punctate & rusty beneath. Axillary & terminal highly scented panicles or spikes with bracts to 4mm long, of creamy white, yellow or scarlet very fragrant flowers subtended by bracteole to 2mm long, rusty-pubescent calyx, tube 2mm x 2mm, 4 white glabrous petals 2mm diameter. Green 4-ridged fruit turning red or purple to 22mm long x 17mm wide with wings 7mm wide.
Personal adornment
Further References
- Mobot
- Neotrop
- The Plant List 2
- Botanicus
- Gleason & Moldenke
- Rusby