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  2. Combretum indicum

Combretum indicum

Botanic Family
(Linnaeus ) R.A. De Filipps
C, ornamental
Hardiness Zone
Min13C 10-11

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Tall woody nearly glabrous or pubescent perennial evergreen twining liana or scandent shrub, branchlets with brownish-yellow pubescence, armed with recurved spines. Leaves to 185mm x 90mm glabrous above, ferrugineus-tomentullose or puberulous beneath, variable in size & shape. Axillary or terminal spikes, corymbs or racemes 100mm long with green bracts 11mm x 4mm, numerous scented white ageing red flowers to 100mm long in loose clusters or 24mm x 10mm, calyx tube 80mm long x 3mm across with 5 lobes 1.5mm long, a white flowered form is reported, petals white aging red, 5 pubescent or glabrous petals 15mm x 7mm with or without bracts. 5 angled glabrous fruit to 40mm long x 23mm, ripening black or brown, wings to 5mm.

Widely naturalised in tropics

Various medicinal uses, seeds eaten, poison

Further References