Combretum griffithii
Combretum griffithii
- Botanic Family
- Combretaceae
- Author
- Van Huerck & Mueller-Aargau
- Propagation
- C.S.
- Cultivated
- C, ornamental
- Hardiness Zone
- Min16C 10-11
Common Names
Geographical Habitats
- Bangladesh
- Bhutan
- Borneo
- S. Yunnan - China
- Assam - India
- Laos
- Malaysia
- Myanmar
- Thailand
- Vietnam
Natural Habitats
- Montane forest
- bamboo deciduous forest
- forest
Flowering Times
Fruiting Times
Woody perennial deciduous liana, scandent shrub or epiphyte with rusty-pubescent new growth aging glabrescent. Scaly glabrous leaves to 180mm x 70mm. Subterminal & axillary spikes to 100mm or panicles to 200mm long with bracts to 2mm long, of 9mm white to yellow or yellow-green flowers, 4 glabrous petals to 2.5mm, & 35mm long x 40mm 4-winged glabrous brownish fruits
Further References
- The Plant List 2 : USNH
- Flora Malesiana