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  2. Combretum fruticosum

Combretum fruticosum

Botanic Family
(Loefling) Stuntz
C, ornamental

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Twining evergreen glabrous liana, shrub or tree with leaves & calyx covered in resinous dots. Leaves to 170mm x 80mm, glabrous above, scaly beneath,young leaves with rusty down. Densely flowered spikes of axillary or terminal panicles to 240mm long with bracts of 25mm green to yellow-orange or red fragrant flowers with scarlet stamens, calyx tube to 7mm long with lobes a little longer, yellow petals 2mm long. Reddish-brown ridged or winged scaly fruit to 30mm x 25mm, showy with four wings to 22mm.

Further References