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  2. Combretum decandrum

Combretum decandrum

Botanic Family

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Large twining glabrous or softly tomentose liana tom 9m with curved trunk, spiny branches, needlelike recurved spines. Leaves to 140mm x 75mm, glabrous or sparsely tomentose above, hairy beneath. Terminal or axillary panicles with racemes to 70mm long of 5mm white aromatic flowers, calyx 2mm long, calyx lobes to 0.5mm long, 5 pilose petals 3mm x 1.5mm. 5-winged greenish yellow immature fruit ripening brown to 15mm x 6mm .

Sap has medicinal uses

Further References