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  2. Coelospermum truncatum

Coelospermum truncatum

Botanic Family
(Wallich) Baillon ex K. Schumann

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Evergreen slender woody glabrous twining liana to 15m with coriaceous glabrous leaves to 120mm x 75mm, terminal & axillary puberulous panicles, umbels or fascicles to 80mm long of fragrant white or creamy-yellow flowers to 12mm, puberulous calyx to 3mm long, 5 coriaceous petals 3.5mm long, corolla tube to 8mm long, glabrous outside villous inside, 5 yellow lobes to 2.5mm long, fruit a pale green drupe 15m across

Further References