Scandent with pubescent stems, bilobed leaves 90mm x 100mm glabrous above pubescent beneath, terminal ferrugineou-pubescent racemes with pubescent bracts to 7mm long, pubescent calyx tube to 20mm long with lobes to 6mm long sparsely pubescent outside glabrous within, corolla 25mm diameter, glabrous petals to 10mm x 11mm, glabrous legume 200mm x 50mm. Climber, glabrescent or ferrugineous-pubescent stems, villous mucronate lobed leaves to 85mm x 90mm, pubescent racemes or corymbs with tendril to 30mm long, raceme with bracts & bracteoles, red tomentum 90mm x 70mm,pubescent calyx tube to 30mm long with lobes to 7mm long pubescent outside glabrous within, 5 sepals 5mm long, white petals 15mmx 10mm villous outside glabrous within, reddish-brown elliptic legume to 200mm x 42mm., hairy flowerbuds, larger inflorescence