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Casimirella ampla

Botanic Family
(Miers) R.A. Howard
C, ornamental

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Scandent rhizomatous shrub or liana with lenticellate stems, young branches glabrous. Glabrate leaves to 200mm x 100mm. Terminal or axillary strigose umbels to 200mm long with bracts to 3mm, white or greenish flowers with bracteoles to 3mm, densely hirsute calyx with lobes to 1.6mm x 0.5mm, strigose petals to 4.3mm x 2mm, villose within. Pubescent greenish-yellow to orange fruit to 80mm x 40mm.


Latex used to relieve toothache, food

Further References