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Canavalia rosea

Botanic Family
(Swartz) A.P. de Candolle

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Tall robust glabrous woody perennial twiner or prostrate scrambling herb to 5m with stems slightly pubescent when young. Trifoliate coriaceous leaves to 100mm long, glabrous above with puberulent veins, puberulent beneath, central leaflet to 100mm & nearly as broad. Axillary 300mm long many-flowered pseudo-racemes of scented 25mm pink, mauve-pink or violet-magenta flowers with carmine heart, violet-pink corolla to 36mm, standard 25mm across white at centre, wings & keel shorter, curved keel, glabrous calyx tube to 17mm long slightly villous, petals to 20mm long. Sparsely strigillose pubescent or glabrous beaked fruit to 170mm x 30mm, pod maturing brown.

Poisonous beans

Environmental, food and drink, forage, medicine, toxins

Further References