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  2. Canavalia llanorum

Canavalia llanorum

Botanic Family
Snak, Aymard & L.P. Queiroz
Conservation Status

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Liana with puberulous stems. Trifoliolate leaves, terminal leaflet to 100mm x 65mm. Axillary pseudoraceme to 280mm long, flower bracts to 2.2mm long, bracteoles to 1.6mm long, silky calyx to 18mm x 8.5mm with tube 12mm long, lobes to 6mm long, white standard with purple halo surrounding centre, claw to 10mm long, standard to 23mm x 26mm, wings to 25mm x 4mm with claw to 2.5mm long, keel to 20mm x 10mm with claw to 5mm long. Brown legume to 130mm x 20mm.

Further References