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  2. Canavalia brasiliensis

Canavalia brasiliensis

Botanic Family
Martius ex Bentham

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Large herbaceous twining vine to 4m. Sparsely strigillose leaflets to 180mm x 95mm. Inflorescence to 220mm long, 5-10 flowered thyrses, sparsely strigillose green calyx to 15mm long, pink or purplish flowers to 25mm long with falcate keel, pale purple standard to 25mm x 17mm, dark purple with yellow stripe in centre, claw 5mm long, purple keel & wings, wings to 25mm x 5mm, keel to 7mm x 5mm, sweet scented flowers. Sparsely strigillose curved pod to 150mm x 50mm, brown with white puberulence, valve with 3 crests.

Further References