Calystegia sepium
Calystegia sepium
- Botanic Family
- Convolvulaceae
- Author
- (Linnaeus) R. Brown
- Propagation
- D.S.
Common Names
- Bindweed
- Bear-wind
- Rutland Beauty
- Hedge Bindweed
- Wild Morning-glory
- Greater Bindweed
- Pink Bindweed
- Bellbine
- Larger Bindweed
- White Bindweed
- Hiro-ha-hirugao (Japan)
Geographical Habitats
- Afghanistan
- Albania
- Algeria
- Austria
- Belarusse
- Belgium
- Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Xinjiang - China
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Estonia
- Denmark
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Great Britain
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iran
- Ireland
- Italy
- Kazakhistan
- Kirgizstan
- Latvia
- Lebanon
- Lithuania
- Macedonia
- Montenegro
- Morocco
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Palestine
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Syria
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Tadzhikistan
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Ukraine
- Uzbekistan
Natural Habitats
- Hedgerows
- bushland
- edges of woodland
- cultivated areas
- montane areas
- riversides
- coastal.
Flowering Times
Fruiting Times
Tall slender herbaceous rhizomatous glabrous or slightly pubescent perennial twiner with lobed or entire mucronate hastate leaves to 80mm x 70mm. Flowers solitary to 70mm, white or usually pink with white mid petal line bands with bracts to 30mm long, corolla to 75mm long, solitary in leaf axils, rarely all white. Fruit a capsule to 10mm long.
A known weed
Stalks edible, roots & tubers boiled & eaten in China, though considered inedible. Medicinal uses
Further References
- Sturtevant 1919
- Menninger 1970
- Bailey 1976
- Huxley 1992
- Bodkin
- The Plant List 2
- G. Don
- FA
- Botanicus
- Gleason & Moldenke
- Kew