Calopogonium lanceolatum
Calopogonium lanceolatum
- Botanic Family
- Fabaceae
- Author
- Brandegee
Common Names
Geographical Habitats
- Guatemala
- Chiapas - Mexico
Natural Habitats
- Riverside
- montane rain forest
Flowering Times
Fruiting Times
Twining herb with hirsute stems to 2m. Hairy leaves, leaflets to 90mm x 30mm becoming glabrate. Few-flowered axollary racemes to 60mm long, white or blue & white flowers, 5-lobed calyx to 7mm long with hairy bracts. Hirsute strigose legume to 40mm x 4m
Further References
- Mobot
- Neotrop
- The Plant List 2
- Ucal
- Fieldiana