Climbing palm to 35m. Leaf to 2.2m long with spines to 30mm x 1mm. 23-64 leaflets each side, longest to 470mm x 25mm. Staminate inflorescence to 4.5m long armed with 4mm long spines. Primary branches to 600mm long with rachillae to 5mm x 3mm, rachilla bracts to 2mm x 3mm. Staminate flowers to 4mm x 2mm with calyx 2mm diameter, 3 lobes 2mm x 1,5mm, corolla 3.5mm x 2mm, lobes to 2mm x 1.5mm. Pistillate inflorescence to 6m long, primary branches to 900mm long with up to 20 rachillae to 190mm x 3mm, bracts to 7mm x 3mm. Pistillate flowers 5mm x 1.8mm. Yellow-brown gruit 15mm x 1mm inclusing 2mm x 2mm beak.
Straps, armbands, fire-making, waist-hoops,tying, house construction, bow-strings