Buddleja madagascariensis
Buddleja madagascariensis
- Botanic Family
- Scrophulariaceae
- Author
- Lamarck
Common Names
- Sevafotsy
- Seva
- Sevalaha
- Jiang guo zui yu cao (Pinyin)
- Madagascar Buddleia
- Butterfly Bush
- Smoke Bush
Geographical Habitats
Natural Habitats
- Forest margins
- jungle. Medicinal uses. Leaves a soap substitute
Flowering Times
- Autumn-spring Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec (Madagascar)
Fruiting Times
Evergreen scandent sometimes twining shrub with woolly branches. Wrinkled leaves glabrous or sparsely tomentulose above, lanate-tomentose whitish or ferrugineus beneath to 110mm x 45mm. Terminal panicles, thyrses or racemes to 250mm long with bracts to 15mm long, 12mm pale yellow, salmon-pink to orange-yellow sweet-scented flowers, calyx to 3mm long tomentose outside with lobes 0.5mm long, corolla tube to 10 mm, lobes to 4mm, white-tomentose outside. White ripening purple-blue or orange berry to 5mm diameter.
Further References
- Huxley 1992
- A.H.S. 1997
- P & R 1997
- The Plant List 2
- G. Don
- Botanicus
- Flora Malesiana