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  2. Buddleja madagascariensis

Buddleja madagascariensis

Botanic Family

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Evergreen scandent sometimes twining shrub with woolly branches. Wrinkled leaves glabrous or sparsely tomentulose above, lanate-tomentose whitish or ferrugineus beneath to 110mm x 45mm. Terminal panicles, thyrses or racemes to 250mm long with bracts to 15mm long, 12mm pale yellow, salmon-pink to orange-yellow sweet-scented flowers, calyx to 3mm long tomentose outside with lobes 0.5mm long, corolla tube to 10 mm, lobes to 4mm, white-tomentose outside. White ripening purple-blue or orange berry to 5mm diameter.

Further References