Climbing glaucous undershrub to 3m from tuberous rootstock.with branched tendrils, Palmately 3-5 foliolate mucronate leaves to 160mm x 190mm, 3-lobed leaflets, 75mm x 85mm. Axillary inflorescence to 90mm long, up to 10-flowered in male, 1-3 flowers in female, flowers orange-red to 25mm long terminating in branched tendril to 150mm long, bracts & bracteoles to 2.5mm. Male flowers to 38mm x 8mm including 11mm long stipe, with orange-red calyx to 25mm long, tube to 8mm, lobes to 10mm, 5 petals to 10mm x 2.5mm. Female flowers to 24mm x 6mm including 8mm long stipe, calyx tube to 7mm & lobes to 7mm, petals to 3mm. Fruit a coriaceous 3-valved yellowish-red capsule to 65mm x 35mm.