Climber to 1.5m from tuberous rootstock to 300mm diameter. Coriaceous leaves 3-parted, to 25mm x 15mm. Inflorescence to 20mm long, 2-8 flowers in male, solitary in female, simple tendrils to 60mm, bracts & bracteoles to 0.5mm, flowers yellowish-green to yellow. Dioecious or monoecious flowers, male flowers to 33mm x 2.5mm including 19mm stipe, sepals to 10mm long, petals to 6.5mm x 1.5mm. Female flowers to 23mm x 4mm including a 7mm long stipe, sepals to 12mm x 2.5mm, petals to 9mm x 2.5mm. Coriaceous fruit to 60mm x 30mm.
Punded stems used as remedy on wounds.