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Actinidia polygama

Botanic Family
(Siebold & Zuccarini) Planchon ex Maximowicz
C, fruit

Common Names

Geographical Habitats

Natural Habitats

Flowering Times

Fruiting Times

Large deciduous woody twiner or shrub to 5m with glabrescent branches, white, yellowish or variegated mucronate leaves to 150mm x 85mm with serrulate margins usually glabrous above & setose on veins beneath. 1-3 flowered fascicles of fragrant 30mm pendulous white flowers, 5 glabrous sepals to 7mm x 4.5mm, 5 petals to 13mm x 10mm, yellow round orange glabrous berry to 40mm x 25mm

Leaves & salted fruit eaten by Japanese, fruit edible

Further References